Friday, July 4, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

My granddaughter is spending the night tonight.  Earlier this evening I was watching her drink her bottle, getting sleepier by the minute.  She is very much like her father was; full of energy, curiosity, and determination.  She doesn't want to miss a thing.  Consequently, she often fights sleep.  Tonight her battle against sleep was short-lived; sleep won (as it always does, sooner or later).  After she finished her bottle I rocked her a bit and sang twice through the lullaby I have been singing to her since she was born, then she gave in to the sleep weighing down her eyelids.  As I sat there, thinking how precious it is to have a baby fall asleep against your chest, I was reminded of many things I really enjoy.  I decided to make a list.  These are a just a few of my favorite things.  It is by no means an exhaustive list, nor is it in any particular order.  I started with my granddaughter, and I will say a few more things about her, but I will keep my comments brief (I could go on indefinitely).  

     *I love: 
seeing Brooklyn's face light up when she sees me 
hearing her voice, especially when she is laughing
watching her watch me when I make funny noises, like she is trying to figure out how I do it
watching her "dance" every time I tap out a beat on the coffee table
     *I love:
dark chocolate
the smell of freshly baked bread
my mom's chicken pot pie
a good cup of hot tea
     *I love:
the fresh new greens of spring
summer vacation
the smell and the crunch of autumn leaves
hot chocolate by the fireplace on a cold winter's day
     *I love:
holding hands with my husband, John
watching him with our granddaughter
having him at home (instead of away on a business trip)
getting away with him
     *I love:
seeing my son, Nathan, and my daughter-in-law, Sherry, with Brooklyn
hearing Nathan say, "Mom, you and Pop were right"
watching him take responsibility for his family
getting his letters and phone calls while he is away at *Basic Training and hearing he's okay

These are a few of my favorite things.  Thank you, Papa God, for these precious gifts.  Truly, "every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  (James 1:17, NIV)
*Approximately 3:30 PM (Delaware time) on 07/05, I finished reading a letter I received in the mail from Nathan today in which, among other things, I was schooled in proper terminology ;-).  Apparently, "boot camp" is not proper nomenclature.  According to my son: " the way, it's not called boot camp, they actually frown on calling it that.  It's called Basic Training."  Thank you, Nathan, I receive that.  Add to my list of favorite things...learning something new, and my son taking pride in what he is doing!          






Jessica said...

Kathie, that was really touching...thanks for sharing that--what a beautiful list, indeed:-)

Peaj said...

Thanks KK.

I don't think that I have seen John with Brooklyn, but I do love seeing godly men with their granddaughters. They don't have the "am I going to mess this up?" nervousness that young dads do, and they are often old enough to not care about keeping cool about their feelings.

God has given us many wonderful things.