Friday, June 20, 2008

Fascinating God

I love to worship God. He is the most loving, kind, thoughtful, generous, merciful, forgiving, just, and strong Person there is, was, or ever will be! There are many who deny Him, and I was one of them, once. There are many who look at the suffering and evil in the world and question His existence or, if they acknowledge His existence, they think Him indifferent to their plight. I have wondered many times why God would allow what He could so easily change with a single word, but I am ill-equipped to answer that question in a way that would truly satisfy. Those who are suffering from a great, unfathomable pain do not necessarily want some theological explanation (even if they ask, "why?")...they just want the pain to stop. Those who are determined not to believe in God will not accept any explanation (until the eyes of their understanding are opened), because the ramifications of a personal and involved God would require a change in their belief system. I have considered these things and I have had doubts at times, but I have seen what God has done in my life over the years since He opened my eyes and it fills me with gratitude and awe. I have to worship Him...not because I am compelled to, but because I can't help it! I made a decision a number of years ago to worship God no matter what. It did not matter what I was experiencing at any given moment, it did not matter what I was feeling, or what was going on around me. God was worthy to receive my praise and worship and He was always going to get it, as long as I drew breath. By His grace I have been able to do that; it has sometimes been a sacrifice of praise and worship, but He is worth it.

I have a friend, named Jess, who understands the "worth-ship" of God. She is a passionate worshipper of God and she is a very gifted and accomplished young woman. Among her many accomplishments, she is a talented songwriter. One of the songs she has written is my absolute favorite, "I Am Created To Worship The King". It's about knowing I am meant for more...more than the struggles, pain, desires, and temptations of this life. My life is meant to be lived out as a public display of worship to God, my King. It takes faith to worship God this way. Several days ago I was reading about how our faith is fascinating to God. I had to write part of it down because it spoke so loudly to me. Read these encouraging words by Kim Clement: "You've got to make God feel welcome. You've got to make Him feel welcome, otherwise He's not coming. You must understand that your act, your one act of faith, so intrigues God. He has placed you in limitations. He has placed you where you are subject to trials. He has placed you in time and space where your body gets tired, it grows old, and it suffers illnesses...I'm talking about man, in time and space, on an earth where he is subject to weather, earthquakes, tornadoes, all kinds of spiritual attacks, insults, robberies, and if in the midst of that can still lift up his voice and say, 'God, I want to thank you for my existence on this earth. God, I want You to know that I have a joy that I cannot get rid of no matter what happens.' This intrigues God; God is fascinated with it." (You can Google The Elijah List and find the complete word; I think it was from 06/13/08.) I should not be surprised by this word, I have read verses in the Bible that tell me that God loves me with an everlasting love, that He will be found by those who diligently seek Him, that He will draw near to me as I draw near to Him, that He is captured by one glance from me, etc...but it does surprise me. God is fascinated by me! (I find that fascinating!) The great thing about this (if I had to limit myself to one great thing) is that the faith in me that so captivates God came from Him in the first place! I did not have it in myself. It came from Him and it is directed toward always begins and ends with God; He is so generous to provide what we need and His provision is so complete! What a fascinating God!


Jessica said...

Well, thank you for those kind words, kathie--and even more, thanks for the reminder to make God welcome in my life. Some days are so busy and it is easy to just sort of read the Bible, put it down and forget about it. I, too, want to live in such a way that God is actively made welcome in my life-busy, or not.

Peaj said...

Amazing that God invites us into relationship with Him that reflects the relationship of the Trinity. You know, the Trinity is just in this love fest - the Father fills the Son with the Spirit, who reflects glory back to the Father. It's similar to what you said about God filling us with faith, which allows us to bless God.

Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Jess and why does she sound so familiar?

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Jason! I'll introduce you to her, I think you both have a lot in common ;-).