I know I have not written in quite some time...close to a month...but I cannot blame it all on being busy with family, the Nutcracker, etc. At least some of it (probably the larger portion) has to be attributed to lack of discipline coupled with my tendency to procrastinate. (By the way, if I may just say a little something about the Nutcracker, I had a blast!! It was so much fun! I hope I get to do it again next year!) In any case, I wanted to write something in celebration of Christmas and the gift of love God gave us in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. I wrote a poem earlier this month, but I also want to include two songs (which I did not at all write) which I love and find particularly meaningful (and not just because one of them is actually a Christmas carol) because, like my poem, they don't just proclaim Christ's birth, they look ahead (implicitly or explicitly), to the fulfillment of what He was sent to do...which was to die (a horrible, undeserved death on a criminal's cross) for us so we don't have to pay the penalty for our sin.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to All
Posted by KathieK at 8:46 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Posted by KathieK at 12:01 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Psalm 106:1~
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever.”
I thank You, Father God, for Your constant and abiding presence. I know You are always with me, whether I feel You or not~because that is a promise You have made to me, and You always keep Your word. I thank You that You are always faithful, even when I am not. Thank You for loving me, especially when I am so unlovable. Thank You for Your grace, which I do not deserve, but always have whenever I need it. Thank You for Your wisdom, which is always available to me, however often I ignore it. I thank You for Your forgiveness, which You never withhold, no matter how many times a day I must ask for it.
My God and Father, I thank You for the kindness You never fail to show me...especially when I neglect to show that same kindness to others. I thank You that You always have time for me, although I do not take enough time to be with You. Thank You for being my source of true comfort, however frequently I seek it elsewhere. Thank You for being my defender, I need no longer defend myself. Thank You for being an ever-present help in time of trouble, though I often forget to call on You. I thank You for working everything out for my good, even though I may complain how bad things are. Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning, though I dwell too often on past mistakes. I thank You for the freedom I have in You, although I sometimes live as though I were still in chains.
Almighty God and Father, I thank You for receiving my praise and worship, inadequate and insufficient though it may be. Thank You for Your beauty and creativity, however infrequently I notice it or show appreciation for it. Thank You for always answering my prayers, even when I do not recognize Your answers or when I complain that they were not what I wanted. I thank You for Your perfect will, however often I stubbornly insist on my own. Thank You for the gifts and abilities You have generously given me, in spite of how often I have wasted them or wished for others. I thank You for being God of my life, however often I attempt to take control. Thank You for being You.
Posted by KathieK at 7:44 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Frustration (11/20/2008)
Posted by KathieK at 6:24 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Prayer Requests
I have two prayer requests, if you all would be so kind. The first is for Nathan, Sherry, and Brooklyn. I cannot give any details, but I would really appreciate your prayers for them. Please pray as Holy Spirit leads, and I think it would also be good to pray against the enemy's plans for them.
Posted by KathieK at 6:57 PM 9 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Just a Little Update
Here is a little tidbit of news for you who read my blog: I am now doing the audio for all the devotions, done by women (with one exception), on christiandevotions.us. I know I had mentioned some time ago that I was working with the Garage Band feature of my Macbook to do the voice-over for a book on caring for aging parents, and that I was doing the audio for my devotions, but that has now been expanded to include all the women that post on that website (except Cindy, she does her own). I am excited to provide another avenue for people to be edified, encouraged, and exhorted through these devotions. Having the devotions read and recorded means the visually impaired also have access to this ministry...which continues to expand, as they are now on the radio, too (Christian Devotions Speak, if I remember correctly). Check out christiandevotions.us sometime and click on the mp3 link to devotions done by Sue P. or Sue F., Ariel, Cathy, Sandra, and me, of course (I think my next one, "Just Keep Swimming", comes out on 11/01), and you will hear me reading them. I am having a lot of fun with it! Be blessed!
Posted by KathieK at 12:37 AM 4 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Silver and Gold
I realize I haven't written for a while. I am working on a couple things right now that I am just not ready to post. In the meantime, I want to offer a couple poems. One is old (well, 2006) and the other is new. As I was considering the title of this post in relation to my poems, two things came to mind: a little song that you may remember from your childhood ("make new friends, but keep the old...one is silver and the other is gold") and the verse from Proverbs that is my new "Scripture of the Moment" (Proverbs 25:11~"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."). My poems are a bit like friends to me, in the sense that they have been used by God to help me through some difficult things, to teach and refine me, and to celebrate with me. Also, it is my desire that the words I write would be timely and appropriate, would bless and encourage others, and would draw them to the Lord. "Longing" was written in December of 2006 and "Musing" was written a couple of months ago.
A longing fills my heart;
a desire to know, and be known by,
Someone so much greater than myself.
I’m yearning to be part
of a grand and beautiful design,
to have purpose and meaning beyond
what I have seen so far.
Lord, please give me new eyes,
that I may see Your reality;
the revelation of mighty things
so often in disguise.
Removing the veils of shame and fear
the enemy would use to blind me,
please rip away the lies.
I’m not who I once was.
Still, I am not yet who I will be.
This living in the now and not yet
is easier because
Your love is not content to leave me
as I am; You smooth and polish me
until I reflect...You.
As I sit here in the cool of
a summer’s evening
I hear the sound of crickets and
other night creatures.
Their song is loud, but comforting
to me, in a way.
It’s a sound I sometimes take for
granted...it’s always
there surrounding me, soothing my
spirit, drowning out
the clamor and cares of each day.
Your love is like that.
It is ever-present, always
encompassing me.
Your love pulls me up, lifting me
out of the mire
of self-doubt that would drag me down
to depths of despair.
Your kind and soothing voice drowns out
harsh, unloving words.
Memories of past rejection
are gone forever.
Your love shelters me and in your
embrace, I am home.
Take you for granted...how could I?
You are everything.
Posted by KathieK at 9:33 PM 8 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Lullaby for Brooklyn
Finally!! After numerous attempts, and much frustration, I was able to upload the video with Brooklyn's lullaby. Thanks go to my good friend, PJ, who suggested I put the song in a video format! I had to keep on trying (some problem with the server, I guess) but it finally worked! So, here it is, I hope you enjoy it, Brooklyn sure does. It works like a charm!
Posted by KathieK at 11:33 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A Few Updates
My next devotion will be out this coming Saturday (christiandevotions.us and mountainbreezedevotions). It is a re-working of my post "To Know Fully" and you can also hear me read it, so please do check it out. They will be picking up another one, but I do not yet know when that one is slated to come out (watch for it, it is called "Just Keep Swimming"). I'll be reading that one, too. In fact, I will probably be reading all my own devotions from now on, since the Garage Band feature of my Macbook does such a good job with this. I will probably be sending them another one of my poems, too, but I haven't yet decided if it will be one I have already done, or a new one I am currently writing.
Posted by KathieK at 10:37 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Changes, a Frog, and a Lullaby
As you can see, I have changed my blog layout. I like it a lot and it seems to be a good fit, so far. I rearranged and added a couple things. My quote from Mark Altrogee is all the way down at the bottom. It may be missed by some people, but it looks good there. I also added this cute walking frog to remind us to fully rely on God everyday (F.R.O.G.)! He may or may not stay, but for now, he amuses me (and he is a vivid reminder to walk on, daily relying on God as I do). Also, I have been working on some things in the Garage Band feature of my computer. I have been practicing making vocal tracks so I can do voice-overs for my devotionals. In my attempts to familiarize myself with this feature, I recorded a song I sing as a lullaby to Brooklyn every time I have her over. It is an old folk song, entitled The Riddle Song. I am hoping to be able to include it in my blog, but I am not quite sure how to make it work. It is in mp3 format, and currently resides in iTunes, as well as Garage Band. I hope to add it here, too. When I figure it out, I will edit this post to include it. My first attempt did not work. Oh well, "if at first you don't succeed..."
Posted by KathieK at 1:59 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
To Know Fully
"Then we shall see face to face...then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
Posted by KathieK at 10:40 PM 6 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Tribute to My Best Friend
I feel quite nostalgic today. You see, it is my 25th wedding anniversary, and my husband is in Las Vegas on a business trip. He has called me several times today (sweet man!) but, of course, I would rather have him here in person. Until he comes home Friday, I will have to content myself by looking at photographs and reflecting on 25 years of marriage to my best friend. In honor of my husband and the day, I would like to share some thoughts about this great guy I have had the pleasure to know and love all these years!
Posted by KathieK at 10:33 PM 12 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Little News
Hey guys, check out www.christiandevotions.us, my devotion (Triumph of Light) has been posted! And they spelled my name correctly! Let me amend that last statement....my name is spelled correctly on Mountain Breeze, but not on Christian Devotions. :-( Oh well, one of these days they'll get my whole name correct! In any case, it's there!
Posted by KathieK at 10:02 AM 6 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Let's Play a Little Game
Posted by KathieK at 1:44 AM 10 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
A New Leaf
Over the years I have been challenged by numerous people to be more disciplined in my writing habits which, as a person seriously gifted in procrastination, has been a challenge I have largely put off or ignored (imagine that)! I am really trying to turn that around and this blog has been a small step in that direction. I was reading someone's blog earlier and this person had written his post as a poem and issued a challenge to other bloggers to match it. Since I am turning over a new leaf and accepting more challenges (haha), I thought, why not? I was really surprised by how quickly I was able to come up with something. I don't say that in a prideful way...it's just that I have had difficulty sitting myself down and making myself write. I have often felt that what I have written has just been dropped into my head from above. This time I actually made an effort to accomplish something specific in a specific period of time. I have rarely done this. Actually, I did it yesterday, too, when my husband told me he wants me to write a poem a day...and I did! I think it will actually be the next one I send to Blue Mountain Arts. (They e-mailed me today, as a matter of fact, to let me know that they received my submission. Now I just have to wait-up to 4 months, ugh-before I know if it has been accepted for publication.) The point is, this is new for me! Now, I am not saying that the poem I wrote in response to the blogger's challenge will make me the next poet laureate of Delaware, but it was respectable. I include it here because...well, I wrote it, and why should his blog have all the fun?!
Posted by KathieK at 11:42 PM 6 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Petition
To all of you dear friends who read my blog (all 3 of you... you know who you are!), and to any others who may read but never leave a comment, I make this request for prayer. I have just submitted one of my poems for publication with Blue Mountain Arts. You may have seen their greeting card line at a Cracker Barrel, in addition to Hallmark stores. It is my first attempt at submitting anything I have written. It may be anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks before I receive a reply, but I will keep you posted. I am in the hands of a gracious God who delights to give us the desires of our hearts and who has a plan for me that exceeds what I can imagine. I choose to stand in faith in that place of peace. Thank you for your loving encouragement and support.
Posted by KathieK at 5:17 PM 8 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Boy's Life?
I might be cheating a bit with today's post. Don't get me wrong, I wrote it, but my blog is not the first place this post has appeared. I was reading another person's blog earlier today (themoabclub.blogspot.com) and her blog entry prompted this comment from me. She is the mother of 3 boys, with a fourth boy on the way. She was describing the destruction to property and belongings that can occur in a houseful of boys (to be fair to her boys, she said she would describe the heart-warming moments on another day). Not that Nathan was a model child, but I was hard-pressed to think of anything he had broken. Here was my comment (more or less):
Posted by KathieK at 7:55 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Cool Beans
If you check out my blog list, you will notice (among the blogs of my friends) Christian Devotions and Mountain Breeze Devotions. These are 2 devotional websites. If you click on them and scroll down past Virginia Smith's devotion ("What Is That Smell?", is the name of her devotion), you will see me!! My bio, my picture, and my poem, Peace! Click on the title and you will hear me reading my poem. (By the way, read their devotions, too, they're very nice. They have gone from something like 97 hits to 5,000+ hits in 6 months or so!)
Posted by KathieK at 4:04 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Taking Out the Trash
In my continuing efforts to make my blog enjoyable to read and to view, I have decided to throw out "This Day in History". I have replaced it, for now, with "Beautiful Butterflies" and "Quotes from the Bard". Both are to the right, below the "About Me" section. The William Shakespeare quotes are above my blog list, the butterflies are below it.
Posted by KathieK at 2:18 AM 4 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Brothers M
Minkus, Magnus, Marvin, and Merriwether McGhee were the infamous brothers M. Wherever they managed to go, news of their madcap exploits preceded them. They were each born on a Monday, in the merry month of May, and how that came about was more than anyone could say. Miranda was their mother, and Marcus was their dad; their pet was a mutt named Magoo, the best dog a kid ever had. Minkus and Magnus were born in Montana, and Marvin was born in Maine. Massachusetts was meant to be the birthplace of Merriwether McGhee, but he was actually born on a plane. (It was flying over Vermont, somewhere near Montpelier!) They were mad about Motown music and movies and museums (and Magoo loved opera at the Met), but they had to stop going when their mom said they may not bring their pet. They had many books and magazines and model planes and cars. They also had a million marbles in some mustard jars. They spent most vacations in Miami, or maybe in Mexico (Minkus and Magnus love Mexico best because it's where the monarch butterflies go). One Monday evening meal, over meatloaf and mashed potatoes, Marvin said he wanted to buy a Manx cat. The next morning, with his mad money, he bought one (named her Mayonnaise) and that was the end of that. Magoo loved Mayonnaise and Mayonnaise loved Magoo, and everywhere the brothers M went, Magoo and Mayo went, too. Minkus, Magnus, Marvin, and Merriwether McGhee were (along with Magoo and Mayo) the best of friends, and they were also family.
Posted by KathieK at 12:20 AM 7 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Your Honest Opinion Appreciated
I thought it would be fun to add a new gadget to my blog. If you scroll down to just below the "About Me" section on the right, you will see it ("This Day In History", right above my blog archive). I am not sure if I will keep it. I may swap it out with quotes by William Shakespeare. I may change its location to the very bottom of the page (where I used to have "Scripture of the Moment", you can see that gadget is now above the "About Me" section to the right). Please let me know what you think. I am interested in your honest opinion.
Posted by KathieK at 4:23 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Photo Op, Part 3
As you can see, I have added some new photos! The top photo of my son, Nathan, in his class A's, was taken by me during our visit on his graduation day (08/07/08). He gave me the photo below that. He looks very handsome in uniform, doesn't he?
Posted by KathieK at 9:27 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
"Life Is A Highway", Part 2
Well, Nathan has graduated from Basic Training in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and is now en route to Fort Gordon, Georgia for 18 weeks of training for his MOS (Military Occupation Specialty). John, Sherry, Brooklyn, and I are on our way home.
Posted by KathieK at 10:38 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
"Life Is A Highway"
I have been traveling with my husband, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. We are on our way to see my son graduate from Basic Training. I am very excited! The closer we get the more my excitement grows, causing tears to well up as I think of finally getting to see him. We are in St. Louis, Missouri, not quite 2 hours from Fort Leonard Wood, where he has been this past 9 weeks. While passing through Ohio, we drove over a lengthy and bumpy stretch of highway. Sometimes life is like that. There are stretches along life's highway that are just difficult and seem to go on forever. We have been through such a time with our son.
Posted by KathieK at 10:19 PM 7 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
A Noble Theme
Scripture Of The Moment: "My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer." (Psalm 45:1 NIV)
Posted by KathieK at 11:36 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I said this blog was a collection of my thoughts, musings, ramblings, and other writings. Here is a poem of mine. I wrote it in 1998, but it's topic is always relevant. I think it is particularly relevant for this time and season.
Posted by KathieK at 10:18 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Photo Op, Part 2
Okay, what kind of Kiki would I be if I didn't have at least one photograph of my granddaughter on my blog. In case you are wondering, Kiki is my version of Grandmother, Grandmom, MomMom, or whatever grandmotherly appellation you can think of. I love being a grandmother, I have just never been too fond of the names that come with the job! There is a website you can visit that tells you how many people in the United States have your same name. When I went to that site, I found out that I am the only one with my name (I checked using my married name and my maiden name). It stands to reason that I would prefer to be called something unique to me! Brooklyn is not able to call me anything yet, she is pretty much in the nearly-non-stop-chattering-of-unintelligible-syllables-stage. When she is able to call me something intelligible, I will be happy to accept whatever moniker she chooses to give me (because that name will hold meaning for her), but until then...Kiki it will be!
Posted by KathieK at 10:11 PM 4 comments
Photo Op
I wanted a photograph of my husband and me on my blog, so I found the one to the right. I realize it is not a current photo, but there are very few of John, or of the two of us together, because he is usually the photographer. My hair is different now. It is darker red and, while it would still be considered short by most people, it is quite a bit longer than what you see in this picture. I have different glasses, too. John, however, looks exactly the same. I will probably keep this one on my blog, even if I do post another, more up-to-date picture. This is a wonderful picture of the two of us and I love it! I chose the song title "Feels Like Home To Me" as the caption for this photograph because if home really is where your heart is, as the saying goes, then John is my home.
Posted by KathieK at 2:03 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Under Construction
Is it my imagination or does it seem that everywhere you look there is some type of construction going on? Roads, bridges, housing developments, strip shopping centers (goodness knows, we don't have enough of those)...it can be very annoying and inconvenient at times. I wish I could tell you that you won't find any of that here but that would be a lie, and I try not to lie to anyone (except perhaps, to myself, and I'm working on that, too). My blog is currently under construction, as you may have noticed (I hope you have noticed, otherwise, what's the point?). I am a novice where blogging is concerned, and I am also getting used to a new computer, so my skills with both are in a process of development. Some things I am learning are by trial and error, some are by attending One On One sessions at my local Apple Store. I haven't received much instruction about all things blog at The Apple Store, we're pretty much at MAC 101 right now (possibly forever), so where my blog is concerned it is mostly trial and error and checking out other blogs. I have expanded my personal profile, adding text and a photograph, so please check it out. The text will probably stay the same (I may add an interest, a movie, or a book from time to time), but the photograph will change periodically. (By the way, I took that photograph of the lily myself with my cell phone camera, I can't believe how well it turned out...I am not an accomplished photographer! I was at Longwood Gardens with my friend, Lynn, earlier this summer and I took so many photographs I filled my phone memory, so there are more to come.) Beneath my blog's title, Thinking Out Loud, I have added a description, the raison d'etre of my blog, if you will. Please take a moment to scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page. I have added another element of text, entitled: SCRIPTURE OF THE MOMENT. It will change periodically. I am not organized enough to commit to change it everyday or every week (or month, let's be real here), so "MOMENT" is just vague enough to let you know it will change at some point, just keep checking. I may or may not allude to it in a post, it depends on how I feel at the moment. Maybe by now you have noticed that I am not really the type of person who is, shall we say, skilled at planning. I am not, as I have previously stated, a terribly organized person. I am not a list-maker or administrative-type. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but appreciation and admiration for people like that...my mother is a planner and a list-maker and I have some friends who are truly gifted organizers and administrators, but I am more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of gal. I can manage a certain amount of organization at work (as a teacher it is a necessity), but it seems to dissipate as the work day draws to a close. In my home life, the amount of organization I can muster is inconsistent at best. In the summer, forget about it, I am completely undisciplined. This brings me to the area most in need of reconstruction and development: me. I want to be at least a little more disciplined, but I find it incredibly overwhelming. I am not a good steward of my time. I procrastinate horribly. This past spring I went to a writer's conference (Delaware Christian Writers Conference) for the very first time. I loved it! I plan to go next spring (in fact, I did plan ahead for this, I have already paid for it!). My goals for this summer were to write every day, do research, and begin to market myself. Have I done this? Well, um, ah, let me see, how can I put this? In a word, NO! I did start this blog, so I am writing something, albeit inconsistently. I did write another letter story for the children's book I hope to finish-and-someday-get-published-before-I-die. I only have 15 to go to finish the alphabet (which I think I started in the 90's) :-P. All this to say that I am, like so much around me, a work in progress. While it can be annoying and inconvenient at times, it is necessary and hopefully (by God's infinite grace and mercy), a sign of positive growth (unlike strip shopping centers).
Posted by KathieK at 2:20 PM 4 comments