Friday, August 1, 2008

A Noble Theme

Scripture Of The Moment:  "My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer."  (Psalm 45:1 NIV)

This is one of my favorite Scripture verses.  It is my desire to praise and worship God in a way that truly welcomes, blesses, and glorifies Him.  I want to set a place for Him at my table.  I want to be able to sing and speak and write of my love for Him in the way He deserves.  I want others to know His worth.  I know that He will not love me more if I am able to do this, nor love me less if I am not, but there is something within me that cries out: "Oh My God and King, help me to praise You more!  Help me to give You worship that is worthy of You!"  And so I sing to Him, or I write a love letter or poem to Him.  I want to give Him the best that I have, because He is worth it.  Others may hear or read my words and decide they are, or are not, good enough; that is okay.  They are not really my targeted audience.  I have an audience of One, and His opinion is what matters most.  If my praise and worship draws others to God, I am grateful, but even that is not my primary motivation.  My heart is stirred by the worth of the kindest, most loving, and most gracious Person I could ever know!  He is not only the recipient of my theme, He is the theme!                


Peaj said...
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Peaj said...

I'm with you, sister.

I heard you today during worship. Made me want to come over there and worship with you, but I was already worshiping with someone else. Soon, though, soon.

I am the Lord's minstrel, singing songs for the pleasure of my King.

Anonymous said...

Peaj, that is funny, because I saw you worshiping with "someone else" and I thought of going over there to worship with you! Blessings on your head my brother and fellow minstrel for the Lord!