Finally!! After numerous attempts, and much frustration, I was able to upload the video with Brooklyn's lullaby. Thanks go to my good friend, PJ, who suggested I put the song in a video format! I had to keep on trying (some problem with the server, I guess) but it finally worked! So, here it is, I hope you enjoy it, Brooklyn sure does. It works like a charm!
Stop Asking
A few weeks ago, at the start of Christmas vacation, every time my
five-year-old started getting bored, he would say, "What can I do?" This
had happened be...
9 years ago
Yay! You got it to work!
That's a pretty sweet slide show.
Thank you, peaj! I had a pretty sweet subject, so it was easy!
I gotta say, I think the video thing is a lot more effective for something like this than just an audio file. Sweet pictures of your grandbaby!
Well, originally, it was just going to be the song. I tried the video thing just to get the song posted. I figured since a video has an audio component, it might take the song even though there were no pics, but that didn't work. When you suggested the titile card, I tried that. As I was doing it, I figured I should just go ahead and try to put pictures on it and actually make a slideshow. Thanks for the time you put in, peaj, I appreciate it.
WOW! THAT was SO BEAUTIFUL Kathy. I can't believe I've never heard the third verse to that song before. What a fabulous idea to put the song together with the slide show, I enjoyed that almost as much as the song. I would love to do a slide show with current pix of my boys and narrate it (I'm pretty sure you'd never get me to sing on record) and then send it to their grandparents every month. I'm totally stealing that idea, though sadly, I don't have a MAC. :-(
Kathie--that was really quite lovely; I really enjoyed listening to it! and the slide show just made it all the more poignant!
Did you write that song? I have never heard it before...
oops--that was me, Jess!
s. a., thank you so much, I appreciate that! I was a little leery about putting my singing voice out there, but I just decided to go for it. I am sure the grandparents would love to have a slideshow of your boys!
Thanks, Jess ("Hank"), I am glad you enjoyed it!
Boy, I wish I wrote that song, but no, it is a pretty old folk song that many people have done over the years. The latest version of which I am aware (because I own it) was done by Carly Simon on her "Into the White" cd.
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