Sunday, July 27, 2008

Photo Op, Part 2

Okay, what kind of Kiki would I be if I didn't have at least one photograph of my granddaughter on my blog.  In case you are wondering, Kiki is my version of Grandmother, Grandmom, MomMom, or whatever grandmotherly appellation you can think of.  I love being a grandmother, I have just never been too fond of the names that come with the job!  There is a website you can visit that tells you how many people in the United States have your same name.  When I went to that site, I found out that I am the only one with my name (I checked using my married name and my maiden name).  It stands to reason that I would prefer to be called something unique to me!  Brooklyn is not able to call me anything yet, she is pretty much in the nearly-non-stop-chattering-of-unintelligible-syllables-stage.  When she is able to call me something intelligible, I will be happy to accept whatever moniker she chooses to give me (because that name will hold meaning for her), but until then...Kiki it will be!


Anonymous said...

Both the pix are really nice Kathie, and I think you look gorgeous, very happy. And how cute is your grandbaby? I would totally use an old pic of myself as long as it was one I liked, which doesn't happen too often. I have the "always behind the camera" syndrome myself. I can't even figure out how to use the blog function, much less how to load a pic. I'm envious! I will ask you for lessons if I ever make it back to church.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, semi anonymous, I appreciate your comments! I do find it amusing that someone would be envious of my ability to blog or load a picture. You wouldn't believe the trouble I had getting this post out! And as far as the picture of Brooklyn goes, I originally had it in a different place and it took me a bit to get it where it is now! I am learning as I go, by a lot of trial and error. You have me at a disadvantage, you know me, but I do not know you. Are you the same person as "almost a stranger" several posts back (I think it was the post entitled "Now And Not Yet")? Please come see me the next time you get to church, I would love to have a face to put to your comments!

Anonymous said...

yes, that was me, and you will recognize me the second you see me, it's just that I am ultra ultra paranoid about the internet. I love you and Michele and Lynn and Donna, I just haven't seen any of you in a long time. Honestly, I'm not trying to be a lady of mystery. It's funny that I came back to your page again tonight and saw your comment to me; I was showing my hubby the pix you loaded and said "show me how to do that." He said he'd try to figure it out, I'm not holding my breath. I am envious b/c you are a blog newbie like myself and you are pushing ahead despite a slight feeling of incompetence, and doing a great job.

Jessica said...

Kathie--you do look so pretty in that pic! And Brooklyn is adorable!!!!