Monday, August 25, 2008

A New Leaf

Over the years I have been challenged by numerous people to be more disciplined in my writing habits which, as a person seriously gifted in procrastination, has been a challenge I have largely put off or ignored (imagine that)!  I am really trying to turn that around and this blog has been a small step in that direction.  I was reading someone's blog earlier and this person had written his post as a poem and issued a challenge to other bloggers to match it.  Since I am turning over a new leaf and accepting more challenges (haha), I thought, why not?  I was really surprised by how quickly I was able to come up with something.  I don't say that in a prideful's just that I have had difficulty sitting myself down and making myself write.  I have often felt that what I have written has just been dropped into my head from above.  This time I actually made an effort to accomplish something specific in a specific period of time.  I have rarely done this.  Actually, I did it yesterday, too, when my husband told me he wants me to write a poem a day...and I did!  I think it will actually be the next one I send to Blue Mountain Arts.  (They e-mailed me today, as a matter of fact, to let me know that they received my submission.  Now I just have to wait-up to 4 months, ugh-before I know if it has been accepted for publication.)  The point is, this is new for me!  Now, I am not saying that the poem I wrote in response to the blogger's challenge will make me the next poet laureate of Delaware, but it was respectable.  I include it here because...well, I wrote it, and why should his blog have all the fun?!

It is untitled, but here it is:

Facing a blank page
my mind begins to race...
what can I possibly write
that will speak to a person's heart?

I want to be real,
write words that make you feel
something more than you expect.
Thoughts fly by, oh where do I start?

But then it all clicks
into place and just fits;
what wasn't suddenly is
and I'm glad I had a small part!    


Jessica said...

Kathie--I applaud your discipline; really, it's so true--we can't always wait for inspiration to hit us, sometimes we have to just start something. Whether it's good or bad, at least you did it. And then you can craft and edit and grow...

This new leaf is GREAT.

And way to go to John for encouraging you where you need it!

sweet little poem, too:-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jess! As you feel led, please keep me in prayer, I need it!

I read your poetic response on Josh's blog, very nice, Jess!

Jessica said...

thanks, Kathie!

And I will pray:-)

Anonymous said...

As someone who's trying to make a living writing, I've really learned that you have to just put aside your filter and your fear and just write. There is a lot of freedom in knowing that you can write garbage and clean it up afterwards. And often what you fear is garbage turns out to rock. And you'd never have that if you just waited around. Write! Write! Write!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! That is excellent advice, Jason!

Anonymous said...

Love it. And I know this is some kind of particular form, not a sonnet like PeaJ's, but has it's own name, but college was way too long ago. Josh really inspired you guys.