Monday, August 18, 2008

Cool Beans

If you check out my blog list, you will notice (among the blogs of my friends) Christian Devotions and Mountain Breeze Devotions.  These are 2 devotional websites.  If you click on them and scroll down past Virginia Smith's devotion ("What Is That Smell?", is the name of her devotion), you will see me!!  My bio, my picture, and my poem, Peace!  Click on the title and you will hear me reading my poem.  (By the way, read their devotions, too, they're very nice.  They have gone from something like 97 hits to 5,000+ hits in 6 months or so!)

My next devotion, Triumph of Light, was scheduled for Monday, 09/08, but it has been moved up one week, I think.  I'll let you know for sure when it comes out.  Also, I just did a voice-over for them (the people that have these 2 devotional websites) yesterday.  They did a promotional video for  a couple authors who wrote a book about being caregivers for aging parents and they asked me to do the voice-over for the video!  It will be on You Tube.  I may have more opportunities to do voice-overs for them in the future.  Cool, huh?!



Jessica said...

kathie--that really is so cool!

Way to go!--these open doors are great:-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jess!

Anonymous said...

Kathie, I couldn't find your poem on the other blog, maybe it's gone already, but I think it's so "cool" indeed that you are putting yourself out there and taking risks. I, for one, love reading your stuff, and I think it's wonderful when a wider audience had the opportunity to enjoy it too.

Anonymous said...

s. a., if you scroll down to my blog list on the right and click on the link "Christian Devotions", then scroll down to just past Virginia Smith's devo, you should find me.

And thank you!

Anonymous said...

wow, now I know why people bother to hold poetry readings. I enjoyed it so much more hearing you read it out loud. And that's a great picture of you too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I appreciate that, s.a.!