As you can see, I have changed my blog layout. I like it a lot and it seems to be a good fit, so far. I rearranged and added a couple things. My quote from Mark Altrogee is all the way down at the bottom. It may be missed by some people, but it looks good there. I also added this cute walking frog to remind us to fully rely on God everyday (F.R.O.G.)! He may or may not stay, but for now, he amuses me (and he is a vivid reminder to walk on, daily relying on God as I do). Also, I have been working on some things in the Garage Band feature of my computer. I have been practicing making vocal tracks so I can do voice-overs for my devotionals. In my attempts to familiarize myself with this feature, I recorded a song I sing as a lullaby to Brooklyn every time I have her over. It is an old folk song, entitled The Riddle Song. I am hoping to be able to include it in my blog, but I am not quite sure how to make it work. It is in mp3 format, and currently resides in iTunes, as well as Garage Band. I hope to add it here, too. When I figure it out, I will edit this post to include it. My first attempt did not work. Oh well, "if at first you don't succeed..."
Stop Asking
A few weeks ago, at the start of Christmas vacation, every time my
five-year-old started getting bored, he would say, "What can I do?" This
had happened be...
9 years ago
Hey--saw your comment on Jase's blog about writing the devotion and it getting picked up; just wanted to say that is SO awesome and it sounds like you are really going in the right direction with your goals...;-)
Thanks, Jess. I finished the vocal track (for the other one I alluded to on his blog) a few moments ago. I had just finished sending them the text and the mp3 for that one when I got your post. I am sure I won't find out until tomorrow ( IS tomorrow!) whether they can use that one or not, so we'll see. It's not a paying gig, but it gets me out there and gives me experience. More importantly, I hope it blesses people. Whatever happens after that is gravy. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Jess, it means a lot!
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