Monday, October 27, 2008

Just a Little Update

Here is a little tidbit of news for you who read my blog: I am now doing the audio for all the devotions, done by women (with one exception), on  I know I had mentioned some time ago that I was working with the Garage Band feature of my Macbook to do the voice-over for a book on caring for aging parents, and that I was doing the audio for my devotions, but that has now been expanded to include all the women that post on that website (except Cindy, she does her own).  I am excited to provide another avenue for people to be edified, encouraged, and exhorted through these devotions.  Having the devotions read and recorded means the visually impaired also have access to this ministry...which continues to expand, as they are now on the radio, too (Christian Devotions Speak, if I remember correctly). Check out sometime and click on the mp3 link to devotions done by Sue P. or Sue F., Ariel, Cathy, Sandra, and me, of course (I think my next one, "Just Keep Swimming", comes out on 11/01), and you will hear me reading them.  I am having a lot of fun with it!  Be blessed!    


peaj said...

Yay Kathy!

Anonymous said...

very exciting news.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys!

Jessica said...

Kathie, that's awesome!

The best gift is the kind that blesses others whole fulfilling us--I am so excited for you;-)