Sunday, October 19, 2008

Silver and Gold

I realize I haven't written for a while.  I am working on a couple things right now that I am just not ready to post.  In the meantime, I want to offer a couple poems.  One is old (well, 2006) and the other is new.  As I was considering the title of this post in relation to my poems, two things came to mind: a little song that you may remember from your childhood ("make new friends, but keep the is silver and the other is gold") and the verse from Proverbs that is my new "Scripture of the Moment" (Proverbs 25:11~"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.").  My poems are a bit like friends to me, in the sense that they have been used by God to help me through some difficult things, to teach and refine me, and to celebrate with me.  Also, it is my desire that the words I write would be timely and appropriate, would bless and encourage others, and would draw them to the Lord.  "Longing" was written in December of 2006 and "Musing" was written a couple of months ago. 


A longing fills my heart;

a desire to know, and be known by,

Someone so much greater than myself.

I’m yearning to be part

of a grand and beautiful design,

to have purpose and meaning beyond

what I have seen so far.

Lord, please give me new eyes,

that I may see Your reality;

the revelation of mighty things

so often in disguise.

Removing the veils of shame and fear

the enemy would use to blind me,

please rip away the lies.

I’m not who I once was.

Still, I am not yet who I will be.

This living in the now and not yet

is easier because

Your love is not content to leave me

as I am; You smooth and polish me

until I reflect...You.


As I sit here in the cool of

a summer’s evening

I hear the sound of crickets and

other night creatures.

Their song is loud, but comforting

to me, in a way.

It’s a sound I sometimes take for’s always

there surrounding me, soothing my

spirit, drowning out

the clamor and cares of each day.

Your love is like that.

It is ever-present, always

encompassing me.

Your love pulls me up, lifting me

out of the mire

of self-doubt that would drag me down

to depths of despair.

Your kind and soothing voice drowns out

harsh, unloving words.

Memories of past rejection

are gone forever.

Your love shelters me and in your

embrace, I am home.

Take you for could I?

You are everything.


Jessica said...

Kathie--thank you so much for posting those; I really like the way you have with words. It is truly a gift God has given you; thank you for using it;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jess!

Anonymous said...

you smooth and polish me until I reflect you.... I LOVE that. Both poems are lovely. And the picture of you that you say is your favorite is just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, silk!

Anonymous said...

By the way, silk, welcome to my blog! Be blessed.

Anonymous said...

sorry Kathie, that was me, silk is one of my family nicknames because it's the phonetic sound of my initials put together. Could I be anymore confusing?

Jessica said...

I agree with Silk/S-A: that pic of you is so beautiful! have fun at nutcracker rehearsal this weekend;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jess! Your brother took that picture of me (when I tried out for on-air host with QVC)! I am sure I will have fun at Nutcracker rehearsal, but I don't start until 11/01...I have a prior commitment at VCF (Transformation Saturday) today. Thanks for the encouragement, though!