Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Tribute to My Best Friend

I feel quite nostalgic today.  You see, it is my 25th wedding anniversary, and my husband is in Las Vegas on a business trip.  He has called me several times today (sweet man!) but, of course, I would rather have him here in person.  Until he comes home Friday, I will have to content myself by looking at photographs and reflecting on 25 years of marriage to my best friend.  In honor of my husband and the day, I would like to share some thoughts about this great guy I have had the pleasure to know and love all these years!

Several of you know my husband, but here are a few things you may not know about John.  He is a very good bowler, photographer, and dancer.  In fact, he used to be a dance instructor with Arthur Murray (while he was in the Army, he was written up in the base newspaper because he gave dance lessons to his fellow soldiers)!  John was in the Army for 3 three years.  About half of that time was spent on the island of Okinawa, where he copied Morse code for Army Intelligence.  It is also where he sustained a collapsed lung.  He has some pretty serious-looking scars as a souvenir of his stay in Okinawa.  John has a nickname, "Kracker", which was his father's before him (actually, I think his father's nickname was "Krackers").  Perhaps I should say, "had", because no one calls him by that name anymore, and it is all my fault!  When I met John, and especially when we began dating, I always called him John so, gradually, everyone else did, too.  Later, after we had been married some time, I used John's old nickname as part of my e-mail address.  John jokingly said, "You take my last name, you take my nickname, you take everything!"

I smile when I think about...

...the time I told John I wouldn't go out with him (after we had been seeing each other for 4 or 5 months), which was the same night John was going to tell me how he felt about me.

...when John asked me to marry him, he had written 1st Corinthians 13 on a beautiful card, at the bottom of which he had also written "Kate, will you be my wife.", just like question mark.  I nodded and said, "For sure!"

...John kissing me 3 times during the wedding ceremony (twice before Bruce even said, "you may now kiss the bride"!  Bruce then said, "Hmm, eager!"

...when Nathan was born at the Birthing Center of Delaware, John was crouching at the foot of the bed with a backwards baseball cap on his head, ready to "catch" our baby!

...the day John brought home a new car (in the colors I wanted) without any warning, like he was bringing home the groceries.

...what a good dancer John is.  I always enjoy any opportunity we have to dance together.  (I love being in his arms!) John never complains when I send him to the store for "personal" products.  He has even directed other guys on their first foray down the feminine hygiene aisle. John often teases and torments me during church, then acts like he isn't doing anything and tells me, "shh, we're in church!"

...John's frequent (read: almost daily) comment to me, "You're too much!",  for absolutely no reason at all (she said with her tongue planted firmly in her cheek)!

John has taught me that it is good to be quiet together, it is perfectly acceptable to be on time (even early) for things, that it is fun to visit the neighbors, that working in the garden is not fatal (well, not to me...but to the plants...)!

I am so thankful to God for bringing us together!  John is such a blessing in my life.  I cannot imagine life without him.  I sometimes feel like I fly through life by the seat of my pants, but John keeps me grounded.  What can I say, he is simply the best!

"Nothing in this world is single; all things by law divine in one spirit mix and mingle; why not I with thine?"  (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

"Shared laughter is love made audible."  (Izzy Gesell)  




Jessica said...

Kathie--that was simply beautiful.

And, funny enough, I ran into John at the Philly airport bright and early after just arriving from my red-eye!

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring, I don't know who is luckier, you or him. What's the better receiving end, having a wonderful spouse or having a spouse who can write such wonderful words about you? I appreciate my husband AND I would love some appreciation too.

Anonymous said...

Thank, Jess! He told me about that after he arrived in Vegas! That IS funny! I guess it would be inevitable that he would run into someone we know who happened to be traveling. He travels so much that the odds of that happening are surely increasing!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, s.a.! It was easy to write about him, he is such wonderful material!

Anonymous said...

"Thank, Jess!"? Although I am not opposed to thanking Jess, that was actually supposed to be "Thanks, Jess!" Sorry, I just woke up!

Peaj said...

Nice post. I smiled throughout it.

John is a good guy. I'm glad to hear that he pesters you during church - you need it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Peaj! I NEED pestering...what?! :-)

Peaj said...

Oh, and congratulations on 25 years. In such a society as we live in, that is an accomplishment to be proud of.

But for you and John, it has always been champagne and roses, right? You guys never have any problems, do you?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Peaj! It has always been champagne and long as you remember that champagne can sometimes give you quite a headache, and roses DO have thorns, you know!! Through it all, I am glad he has been by my side...when he's in town, that is!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

beautiful tribute!

Michele said...

Very sweet Kathie! May you be blessed with 25 more years!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jason and Michele!!