Saturday, August 30, 2008
Let's Play a Little Game
Posted by KathieK at 1:44 AM 10 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
A New Leaf
Over the years I have been challenged by numerous people to be more disciplined in my writing habits which, as a person seriously gifted in procrastination, has been a challenge I have largely put off or ignored (imagine that)! I am really trying to turn that around and this blog has been a small step in that direction. I was reading someone's blog earlier and this person had written his post as a poem and issued a challenge to other bloggers to match it. Since I am turning over a new leaf and accepting more challenges (haha), I thought, why not? I was really surprised by how quickly I was able to come up with something. I don't say that in a prideful's just that I have had difficulty sitting myself down and making myself write. I have often felt that what I have written has just been dropped into my head from above. This time I actually made an effort to accomplish something specific in a specific period of time. I have rarely done this. Actually, I did it yesterday, too, when my husband told me he wants me to write a poem a day...and I did! I think it will actually be the next one I send to Blue Mountain Arts. (They e-mailed me today, as a matter of fact, to let me know that they received my submission. Now I just have to wait-up to 4 months, ugh-before I know if it has been accepted for publication.) The point is, this is new for me! Now, I am not saying that the poem I wrote in response to the blogger's challenge will make me the next poet laureate of Delaware, but it was respectable. I include it here because...well, I wrote it, and why should his blog have all the fun?!
Posted by KathieK at 11:42 PM 6 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Petition
To all of you dear friends who read my blog (all 3 of you... you know who you are!), and to any others who may read but never leave a comment, I make this request for prayer. I have just submitted one of my poems for publication with Blue Mountain Arts. You may have seen their greeting card line at a Cracker Barrel, in addition to Hallmark stores. It is my first attempt at submitting anything I have written. It may be anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks before I receive a reply, but I will keep you posted. I am in the hands of a gracious God who delights to give us the desires of our hearts and who has a plan for me that exceeds what I can imagine. I choose to stand in faith in that place of peace. Thank you for your loving encouragement and support.
Posted by KathieK at 5:17 PM 8 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Boy's Life?
I might be cheating a bit with today's post. Don't get me wrong, I wrote it, but my blog is not the first place this post has appeared. I was reading another person's blog earlier today ( and her blog entry prompted this comment from me. She is the mother of 3 boys, with a fourth boy on the way. She was describing the destruction to property and belongings that can occur in a houseful of boys (to be fair to her boys, she said she would describe the heart-warming moments on another day). Not that Nathan was a model child, but I was hard-pressed to think of anything he had broken. Here was my comment (more or less):
Posted by KathieK at 7:55 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Cool Beans
If you check out my blog list, you will notice (among the blogs of my friends) Christian Devotions and Mountain Breeze Devotions. These are 2 devotional websites. If you click on them and scroll down past Virginia Smith's devotion ("What Is That Smell?", is the name of her devotion), you will see me!! My bio, my picture, and my poem, Peace! Click on the title and you will hear me reading my poem. (By the way, read their devotions, too, they're very nice. They have gone from something like 97 hits to 5,000+ hits in 6 months or so!)
Posted by KathieK at 4:04 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Taking Out the Trash
In my continuing efforts to make my blog enjoyable to read and to view, I have decided to throw out "This Day in History". I have replaced it, for now, with "Beautiful Butterflies" and "Quotes from the Bard". Both are to the right, below the "About Me" section. The William Shakespeare quotes are above my blog list, the butterflies are below it.
Posted by KathieK at 2:18 AM 4 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Brothers M
Minkus, Magnus, Marvin, and Merriwether McGhee were the infamous brothers M. Wherever they managed to go, news of their madcap exploits preceded them. They were each born on a Monday, in the merry month of May, and how that came about was more than anyone could say. Miranda was their mother, and Marcus was their dad; their pet was a mutt named Magoo, the best dog a kid ever had. Minkus and Magnus were born in Montana, and Marvin was born in Maine. Massachusetts was meant to be the birthplace of Merriwether McGhee, but he was actually born on a plane. (It was flying over Vermont, somewhere near Montpelier!) They were mad about Motown music and movies and museums (and Magoo loved opera at the Met), but they had to stop going when their mom said they may not bring their pet. They had many books and magazines and model planes and cars. They also had a million marbles in some mustard jars. They spent most vacations in Miami, or maybe in Mexico (Minkus and Magnus love Mexico best because it's where the monarch butterflies go). One Monday evening meal, over meatloaf and mashed potatoes, Marvin said he wanted to buy a Manx cat. The next morning, with his mad money, he bought one (named her Mayonnaise) and that was the end of that. Magoo loved Mayonnaise and Mayonnaise loved Magoo, and everywhere the brothers M went, Magoo and Mayo went, too. Minkus, Magnus, Marvin, and Merriwether McGhee were (along with Magoo and Mayo) the best of friends, and they were also family.
Posted by KathieK at 12:20 AM 7 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Your Honest Opinion Appreciated
I thought it would be fun to add a new gadget to my blog. If you scroll down to just below the "About Me" section on the right, you will see it ("This Day In History", right above my blog archive). I am not sure if I will keep it. I may swap it out with quotes by William Shakespeare. I may change its location to the very bottom of the page (where I used to have "Scripture of the Moment", you can see that gadget is now above the "About Me" section to the right). Please let me know what you think. I am interested in your honest opinion.
Posted by KathieK at 4:23 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Photo Op, Part 3
As you can see, I have added some new photos! The top photo of my son, Nathan, in his class A's, was taken by me during our visit on his graduation day (08/07/08). He gave me the photo below that. He looks very handsome in uniform, doesn't he?
Posted by KathieK at 9:27 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
"Life Is A Highway", Part 2
Well, Nathan has graduated from Basic Training in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and is now en route to Fort Gordon, Georgia for 18 weeks of training for his MOS (Military Occupation Specialty). John, Sherry, Brooklyn, and I are on our way home.
Posted by KathieK at 10:38 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
"Life Is A Highway"
I have been traveling with my husband, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. We are on our way to see my son graduate from Basic Training. I am very excited! The closer we get the more my excitement grows, causing tears to well up as I think of finally getting to see him. We are in St. Louis, Missouri, not quite 2 hours from Fort Leonard Wood, where he has been this past 9 weeks. While passing through Ohio, we drove over a lengthy and bumpy stretch of highway. Sometimes life is like that. There are stretches along life's highway that are just difficult and seem to go on forever. We have been through such a time with our son.
Posted by KathieK at 10:19 PM 7 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
A Noble Theme
Scripture Of The Moment: "My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer." (Psalm 45:1 NIV)
Posted by KathieK at 11:36 PM 3 comments